2018 | Josef Vojtěch et al. Department of Optical Networks, CESNET | Proactive protection of DWDM infrastructures, | ECOC 2018 | ||
2016 | Josef Vojtěch, Martin Šlapák, Pavel Škoda, Vladimír Smotlacha, Radek Velc, Petr Münster, Jan Kundrát, Ondřej Havliš, Lada Altmannová and Michal Altmann | Precise time transfer on the IPE–VUGKT line – a detailed analysis | TSP 2016 | ||
2011 | Radan Slavík, Joseph Kakande, Francesca Parmigiani, Lars Grüner-Nielsen, Richard Phelan, Josef Vojtěch, Periklis Petropoulos, and David J. Richardson | Field-trial of an all-optical PSK regenerator in a 40 Gbit/s, 38 channel DWDM transmission experiment | Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), 6. - 10. 3. 2011, Post deadline paper | ||
2011 | Vojtěch Josef, Altmannová Lada, Hůla Miloslav, Radil Jan, Šíma Stanislav, koda Pavel | R&E Network in the Czech Republic | WDM Systems Summit 2011, 07. 04. 2011, Czech Republic | ppt | |
2010 | Vojtěch Josef, Hůla Miloslav, Nejman Jan, Radil Jan, koda Pavel | Equipment for open photonic networking | internetová publikace, edice/svazek | ppt | |
2010 | Vojtěch Josef, Hůla Miloslav, Altmannová Lada, Šíma Stanislav, Radil Jan | Open Photonic Devices and Systems | Internet2 Joint Techs, 01. 02. 2010 | ||
2010 | Vojtěch Josef, Altmannová Lada, Hůla Miloslav, Radil Jan, Šíma Stanislav, koda Pavel | Světlé zítřky s WDM | WDM Systems Summit 2010, 06. 04. 2010, Czech Republic | ppt | |
2010 | Karásek Miroslav, Honzátko Pavel | 10 and 20 Gb/s all-optical RZ to NRZ modulation format and wavelength converter based on nonlinear optical loop mirror | Optics Communications, číslo 1, svazek 283, ISSN: 0030-4018 | ||
2010 | Karásek Miroslav, Honzátko Pavel | Plně optické zpracování datových toků | Jemná mechanika a optika, číslo 4, svazek 55, ISSN: 0447-6441 | ||
2010 | Karásek Miroslav, Radil Jan, Vojtěch Josef | Transmission of 20 channels over 238 km of NZ DSF using distributed TDM-pumped Raman amplification | IET Optoelectronics, číslo 2, svazek 4, ISSN: 1751-8768 | ||
2010 | Karásek Miroslav, Honzátko Pavel | De-Multiplexing of 107 Gb/s OTDM Signal Based on Pulsed Pump Optical Parametric Amplifier | 12th ICTON 2010, National Institute of Telecommunications, Varava, Polsko2010, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7797-5 | ||
2009 | Karásek Miroslav, Vojtěch Josef, Radil Jan | Estimation of Non-Linear Effects and Chromatic Dispersion Compensation on Propagation of 100 Gb/s Signals | Článek ve sborníku. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON2009, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP09485-CDR , 28. 06. 2009, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4826-5 | ||
2009 | Kumpera Ale, Honzátko Pavel, Slavík Radan | Novel 160-GHz wavelength converter based on a SOA and a long period grating filter | Optics Communications, číslo 282, svazek 2009, ISSN: 0030-4018 | ||
2009 | Karásek Miroslav, Radil Jan, Vojtěch Josef | Power transients in time-division multiplexed discrete Raman fibre amplifier | Optics Communications, číslo 15, svazek 282, ISSN: 0030-4018 | ||
2009 | Slavík Radan, Park Yongwoo, Krčmařík David, Azana Jose | Stable all-fiber photonic temporal differentiator using a long-period fibergrating interferometer | Optics Communications, číslo 282, svazek 2009, ISSN: 0030-4018 | ||
2009 | Slavík Radan, Kulishov, Mykola, Park Yongwoo, Azana Jose | Long-period-fiber-grating-based filter configuration enabling arbitrary linear filtering characteristics | OPTICS LETTERS, číslo No. 7, svazek Vol. 34, ISSN: 0146-9592 | ||
2009 | Vojtěch Josef, Šíma Stanislav, Radil Jan, Altmannová Lada | Dark Fibre Facilities for Research and Experimentation | TridentCom 2009 , 06. 04. 0009, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2847-2 | ppt | |
2009 | Karásek Miroslav, Vojtěch Josef, Radil Jan | Multicasting at 10 Gb/s and 40 GHz Using a Hybrid Integrated SOA Mach-Zehnder Interferometer | Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC), Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2009, 22. 03. 2009, ISBN: 978-1-55752-865-0 | ||
2009 | Karásek Miroslav, Vojtěch Josef, Radil Jan | Surviving Channel Power Transients in TDM-Pumped Lumped Raman Fiber Amplifier | Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC), Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2009, 24. 03. 2009, ISBN: 978-1-55752-865-0 | ||
2008 | Karásek M., Vojtěch J., Radil J. | Channel Addition/Removal Response in a Cascade of Three Distributed Raman Fiber Amplifiers Transmitting 10×10 GE Channels: Experimentation and Modeling | Journal of Optical Networking, číslo: 1, 7, str.: 15; 24, ISSN: 1536-5379 | ||
2008 | Slavík R., Krčmařík D., Park Y., Azana J. | Fast photonic temporal differentiator based on fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer | The 21st Annual Meeting of The IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society, IEEE/LEOS, 2008, str.: 820;821 , ISBN: 978-1-4244-1931-9 | ||
2008 | Karásek M., Honzátko P., Radil J., Vojtěch J. | Multi-wavelength conversion at 10 Gb/s and 40 GHz using a hybrid integrated SOA Mach-Zehnder interferometer | ICTON 2008 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Athens Information Technology, Athens, Greece, 2008, str.: vol. 1, 132; 135 , ISBN: 978-1-4244-2625-6 | ||
2007 | Karásek M., Vojtěch J., Radil J. | Bidirectional repeaterless transmission of 8×10 GE over 210 km of standard single mode fibre | IET Optoelectronics, číslo: 2, 1, str.: 96;100, ISSN: 1751-8768 | ||
2007 | Vojtěch J., Karásek M., Radil J. | Experimental comparison of all-optical methods of chromatic dispersion compensation in long haul transmission at speeds of 10 Gbit/s | JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, číslo: 12, 6, str.: 1340;1348, ISSN: 1536-5379 | ||
2007 | Slavíček K. | Maximum Frame Size in Large Layer 2 Networks | Lecture Notes in Computer Science, číslo: Neuveden, 4712, str.: 409;418, ISSN: 0302-9743 | ||
2007 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Honzátko P., Vojtěch J., Radil J. | Multi-Wavelength Conversion at 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s Based on Nonlinear Effects in HNLF | Annales des télécommunications, číslo: 7/8, 62, str.: 925;937, ISSN: 0003-4347 | ||
2007 | Krčmařík D., Karásek M., Radil J., Vojtěch J. | Multi-wavelength conversion at 10Gb/s using cross-phase modulation in highly nonlinear fiber | Optics Communications, číslo: 278, str.: 402;412, ISSN: 0030-4018 | ||
2007 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Boháč L., Krčmařík D., Radil J., Vojtěch J. | Surviving-Channel-Power Transients in Second-Order Pumped Lumped Raman Fiber Amplifier: Experimentation and Modeling | JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, číslo: 3, 25, str.: 664; 672 | ||
2007 | Vojtěch J., Karásek M., Radil J. | All-Optical Chromatic Dispersion Compensation in Long-Haul Transmission over 225km with no Inline Amplification | Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International Conference Communication Systems and Networks, The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), 2007, str.: 126;131 , ISBN: 978-0-88986-695-9 | ppt | |
2007 | Karásek M., Teixeira A., Tosi Beleffi G., Ruben L. | All-optical signal processing subsystems based on highly non-linear fibers and their limitations for networking applications | Optical Network Design and Modelling, 11th International IFIPTC6 Conference, Springer, 2007, str.: 78; 85 , ISBN: 978-3-540-72729-3 | ||
2007 | Slavíček K., Dostál O., Filka M. | Carrier Grade Ethernet | Telecommunications and Signal Processing TSP - 2007, VUT Brno, 2007, str.: 123;127 , ISBN: 978-80-214-3445-5 | ||
2007 | Vojtěch J., Karásek M., Radil J. | Comparison of an Unconventional All-Optical Chromatic Dispersion Compensation Techniques in Nothing in Line Scenarios with Emphasis to Tuneability | Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, National Institute of Telecommunications, Department of Transmission and Fiber optics, 2007, str.: 71;75 , ISBN: 1-4244-1249-8 | ||
2007 | Karásek M., Vojtěch J., Radil J. | Power transients in a cascade of three distributed Raman fibre amplifiers transmitting 10×10 GE channels over 383 km | Proceedings of 2007 9th International Conference of Transparent Optical Networks, National Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw, Poland, 2007, str.: 144;149 , ISBN: 1-4244-1248-X | ||
2007 | Karásek M., Radil J., Vojtěch J., Krčmařík D. | Power Transients in Second Order Pumped Lumped Raman Fiber Amplifier | OFC and NFOEC CD-ROM (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2007), Optical Fiber Communication Conference, National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2007, str.: JThA14-1;JThA14-3 | ||
2007 | Vojtěch J., Karásek M., Radil J. | Untraditional All-Optical Chromaric Dispersion Compensating Elements - Experimental Verification | AOE 2007 Conference proceedings, Wen Global Solutions Inc., 2007, str.: 424;426 , ISBN: 978-0-9789217-2-9 | ||
2006 | Karásek M., Peterka P., Radil J. | 10 gigabit Ethernet lang-haul transmission without in-line EDFAs | Annales des télécommunications, číslo: 3-4, 61, str.: 478;488, ISSN: 0003-4347 | ||
2006 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Honzátko P., Vojtěch J., Radil J. | 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s Multi-Wavelength Conversion Based on Nonlinear Effects in HNLF | Proceedings of ICTON 2006, vol. 1, ICTON, 2006, str.: 155;161 , ISBN: 1-4244-0235-2 | ||
2006 | Karásek M., Vojtěch J., Radil J. | Bidirectional Repeaterless Transmission of 8×10 GE over 210 km of Standard Single Mode Fibre | Proceedings of ICTON 2006, vol. 4, ICTON, 2006, str.: 60;63 , ISBN: 1-4244-0235-2 | ||
2006 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Radil J., Vojtěch J. | Experimentally Verified Modelling of Parametric Amplification and Wavelength Conversion in Optical Fibres | First CESNET Conference on Advanced Communications and Grids, CESNET, z. s. p. o., 2006, str.: 33;42 , ISBN: 80-239-6533-6 | ||
2006 | Karásek M., Vojtěch J., Radil J. | Obousměrný přenos 8×10 GE přes 210 km standardního jednovidového vlákna bez linkových EDFA | Sborník příspěvků Optické Komunikace 2006, Action M, 2006, str.: 55;60 , ISBN: 80-86742-16-4 | ||
2006 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Radil J., Vojtěch J. | Parametric Amplification and Multiple Wavelength Conversion in HNLF: Experimentation and Modelling | tnc2006 presentations paper, TERENA, 2006 | ||
2006 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Honzátko P., Vojtěch J., Radil J. | 40 Gb/s Multi-Wavelength Conversion Based on Nonlinear Effects in HNLF | CEF Networks Worshop 2006 | ppt | |
2006 | Radil J., Vojtěch J., Karásek M., Šíma S. | Dark fibre networks and how to light them | 4th Quilt Optical Networking Workshop | ||
2006 | Slavíček K. | Testing OAM over SFP-to-SFP mediaconvertors | 8/2006 | ||
2006 | Vojtěch J., Karásek M., Radil J. | Field and lab experiences with deployment of optical amplifiers and FBGs | CEF Networks Worshop 2006 | ppt | |
2006 | Radil J. | Optické sítě a vybavení | Přednáka o optických sítích (od prvního optického vlákna k posledním výsledkům). Masarykova Univerzita, Brno. 1. března 2006 | ||
2005 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Radil J., Vojtěch J. | Large Signal Model of TDM-Pumped Raman Fiber Amplifier | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, číslo: 9, 17, str.: 1848;1850, ISSN: 1041-1135 | ||
2005 | Vojtěch J., Karásek M., Radil J. | Dalí monosti optického zesilování v pásmu 1310 nm | Optické komunikace 2005, Zeithamlová Milena, Ing. - Agentura Action M, 2005, str.: 145;150 , ISBN: 80-86742-10-5 | ppt | doc |
2005 | Vojtěch J., Karásek M., Radil J. | Extending the Reach of 10GE at 1310 nm | Proceedings of 2005 7th International Conference on Traansparent Optical Networks, Marian Marciniak, 2005, str.: 39;42 , ISBN: 0-7803-9236-1 | ppt | |
2005 | Vojtěch J., Karásek M., Radil J. | Monosti dálkových 10 GE přenosů s PC LAN adaptéry | irokopásmové sítě a jejich aplikace, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2005, str.: 38;43 , ISBN: 80-244-1035-4 | ppt | doc |
2005 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Radil J. | Optimization of all-optical gain-clamped lumped Raman fibre amplifier for dynamic performance | Proceedings of 2005 7th International Conference on Traansparent Optical Networks, Marian Marciniak, 2005, str.: 43;46 , ISBN: 0-7803-9236-1 | fiber-optics/2005/Mo.B1.7.pdf|pdf | |
2005 | Karásek M., Peterka P., Radil J. | Transmission of 2×10 GE channels over 252 km without in-line EDFA | 2005 Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling, IEEE, 2005, str.: 55;58 , ISBN: 0-7803-8956-5 | ppt | |
2005 | Vojtěch J. | Optical Amplifiers and Line Spans | SEEFIRE Technical Workshop | ppt | |
2005 | Karásek M., Radil J., Vojtěch J. | Optical amplifiers in CzechLight and CESNET2 | Prague, CEF Networks Workshop, CESNET, z. s. p. o. | ppt | |
2005 | Radil J. | Optical Signals Modulation and Compensation of Chromatic Dispersion | SEEFIRE Technical Workshop | ||
2005 | Kovács A., Vojtěch J. | Optical technologies: XENPAK, XFP and DWDM | SEEFIRE Technical Workshop | ppt | |
2005 | Vojtěch J. | CzechLight & CzechLight Amplifiers | Zurich,Switzerland, TERENA 17th TF-NGN, TERENA | ppt | |
2004 | Karásek M., Peterka P., Radil J. | 202 km repeaterless transmission of 2 x10 GE plus 2 x 1 GE channels over standard single mode fibre | Optics Communications, číslo: 235, 2004, str.: 269;274 | ||
2004 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Radil J. | Analysis of Channel Addition/Removal Response in All-Optical Gain-Clamped Cascade of Lumped Raman Fiber Amplifiers | Journal of Lightwave Technology, číslo: 10, 22, str.: 2271;2278 | ||
2004 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Honzátko P., Radil J. | Channel Addition/Removal Response in All-Optical Gain-Clamped Lumped Raman Fiber Amplifer | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, číslo: 3, 16, str.: 771;773 | ||
2004 | Karásek M., Radil J., Boháč L. | Optimization of NRZ data transmission at 10 Gbit/s over G.652 without in-line EDFA's | Fiber and Integrated Optics, číslo: 4, 2004, str.: 297;310 | ||
2004 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Honzátko P., Radil J. | Protection of Surviving Channels in All-Optical Gain-Clamped Lumped Raman Fibre Amplifier: Modelling and Experimentation | Optics Communications, číslo: 231, 2004, str.: 309;317 | ||
2004 | Karásek M., Kaňka J., Honzátko P., Radil J. | All-Optical Gain-Controlled Lumped Raman Fibre Amplifier | Proceedings of ONDM 2004, INTEC, 2004, str.: 245;257 , ISBN: 907-654-602-9 | ppt | |
2004 | Dostal O., Filka M., Slavicek K. | New trends in ethernet OAM | Telecommunications and Signal Processing TSP - 2004, VUT Brno, 2004, str.: 259;262 , ISBN: 80-214-2684-5 | ||
2004 | Karásek M., Peterka P., Radil J. | Optimalizace přenosu 10 gigabitového ethernetu bez linkových zesilovačů po standardních jednomodových optických vláknech | Proceedings of the 5th intrenational conference ELEKTRO 2004, SAV, 2004, str.: 11;14 | ||
2004 | Vojtěch J., Karásek M., Radil J. | Ověření pouitelnosti PDFA zesilovačů v pásmu 1310 nm | Sborník příspěvků O.K.2004, Action M, 2004, str.: 201;206 | ppt | doc |
2004 | Radil J., Karásek M., Boháč L., Vojtěch J., Peterka P. | Experimental transmission of 10 GE over G.652 without in-line amplifiers | Greece, TNC, CESNET, z. s. p. o., June 2004, Rhodos, Greece | ||
2004 | Radil J. | Experiments on optical layer and breakable research networks | Amsterdam, TF-NGN, CESNET, z. s. p. o., Amsterdam, 2004 | ||
2004 | Radil J., Karásek M. | Experiments with 10 GE long-haul transmissions in academic and research networks | Arlington, Virginia, USA, I2 meeting, CESNET, z. s. p. o., Arlington, 2004 | ppt |