2017 | Josef Vojtěch et al. | Development of advanced photonic services of e-infrastructure CESNET | KREONET Workshop 2017 | |
2016 | Josef Vojtěch,Lada Altmannová, Michal Altmann, Ondřej Havliš, Michal Hažlinský, Tomáš Horváth, Miloslav Hůla, Jan Kundrát, Petr Münster, Jan Nejman, Jan Radil, Vladimír Smotlacha, Pavel Škoda, Martin Šlapák, Radek Velc, Rudolf Vohnout | Infrastruktura fotonických služeb | Workshop Telemetrologie Liblice 6.12.2016 | |
2015 | Josef Vojtěch,Lada Altmannová, Ondřej Havliš, Miloslav Hůla,Jan Radil, Vladimír Smotlacha, Pavel Škoda, Radek Velc | Efektivní využití vláknové infrastruktury krajů, měst a společností pro metrologii a měřící systémy | Workshop Telemetrologie AV21 24. listopadu, 2015 | |
2015 | Ondřej Havliš, Michal Hažlinský, Josef Vojtěch, Jan Kundrát, Pavel Škoda | Software Defined Infrastructure for Experiments in Optical Networks | Optické Komunikace 2015, Praha, Czech Republic, 20. - 21. 10. 2015 | |
2015 | Jan Kundrát, Josef Vojtěch, Ondřej Havliš, Michal Hažlinský | Photonic Testbed Supporting Single-Fibre Bidirectional Transmission | 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Budapest, Hungary, 5. - 9. 7. 2015 | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7193512 |
2015 | Jan Kundrát, Stanislav Šíma | Extending Contemporary Network Modeling Towards the Photonic Layer | The International Symposium on Advances in Software Defined Networks, Barcelona, Spain, 19. - 24. 4. 2015 | |
2013 | Jan Kundrát | Why We Should Care About the Photonic Layer | 2nd TERENA Network Architects Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic, 13. - 15. 11. 2013 | |
2013 | Josef Vojtěch, Vladimír Smotlacha, Pavel Škoda | Infrastructure for Precise Time Transmission | Optické Komunikace 2013, Praha, Czech Republic, 24. - 25. 10. 2013 | |
2013 | Josef Vojtěch, Vladimír Smotlacha, Pavel Škoda | Optical Infrastructure for Precise Time and Stable Frequency Transfer | Poster on SPIE Optics + Photonics 2013, Earth Observing Systems XVIII, San Diego, CA USA, 23. 9. 2013 | |
2013 | Josef Vojtěch, Vladimír Smotlacha | Photonic Services for Time and Frequency Transmission in the Czech Republic | Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 421 (2013) pp 721-724, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland | |
2012 | Josef Vojtěch | Photonic services, their enablers and applications 8516-20 | Remote Sensing System Engineering IV, Optics + Photonics 2012 | |
2012 | Rudolf Vohnout, Lada Altmannová, Stanislav íma, Pavel Škoda | Infrastructure overview with the focus on Experimental Facility | Infinity Tridentcom 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, 11. 6. 2012 | |
2012 | Josef Vojtěch | Towards Terabit per Second Optical Networking (Photonic Services) | International Workshop on Trends in Optical technologies, CPqD, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 9. - 10. 5. 2012 | |
2011 | Jan vec | Prague Tier2 site report | HEPiX Fall 2011 Workshop, Vancouver, 24. - 28. 10. 2011 | |
2011 | Vojtěch Josef, Šíma Stanislav, Altmannová Lada, Hůla Miloslav, Radil Jan, Škoda Pavel | Sharing of Fibers by Transmission Systems and Open Photonic Transmission Systems | Optické komunikace 2011, Prague, 21. - 22. 10. 2011 | |
2011 | Vojtěch Josef, Šíma Stanislav, Altmannová Lada, Hůla Miloslav, Radil Jan, Škoda Pavel | Sharing of Fibers by Transmission Systems Open Photonic Transmission Systems | Optické komunikace 2011, Prague, 21. - 22. 10. 2011 | ppt |
2011 | Škoda Pavel, Radil Jan, Šíma Stanislav, Vojtěch Josef, Altmannová Lada, Hůla Miloslav | Photonic network enabling real-time applications | Poster on TERENA Networking Conference 2011, Prague, 16. - 19. 05. 2011 | |
2011 | Jaroslav Hrb, Jan Radil, Pavel Škoda, Lada Altmannová, Stanislav íma | About CESNET and CzechLight | IST-Africa 2011 Conference, Gabarone, Botswana, 11. - 13. 05. 2011 | |
2010 | Altmannová Lada | Open transmission systems in CESNET2 and CBFs | internetová publikace, edice/svazek | ppt |
2010 | Kouba Tomá | Prague WLCG Tier-2 report | GRID2010 | |
2010 | Altmannová Lada, Hůla Miloslav, Radil Jan, Šíma Stanislav, Vojtěch Josef | Ověřená technologie budování fotonických přenosových a přepínacích systémů | Technologie NOEO, tech. param.: Přenosová technologie pouívaná pro jednovidová optická vlákna a dosahem 250km bez optického zesilování na trase, respektive do cca 1500km s optickým zesilováním na trase. Tato technologie nepouívá o-e-o konverzi a nezkresluje časový průběh signálu ekonom. param.: 10% z částky, bez DPH, utrené vlastníkem výsledku za prodej slueb zaloených na předaných výsledcích za 12 kalendářních měsíců | |
2009 | Šíma Stanislav | CEF Networks Research and Experimentation | internetová publikace | |
2009 | Altmannová Lada | Open DWDM system deployment | internetová publikace | ppt |
2009 | Radil Jan, Vojtěch Josef, Hůla Miloslav | Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) | internetová publikace | ppt |
2008 | Radil J., Šíma S. | Customized Approaches to Fibre-based E2E Services | 1st E2E Workshop - Establishing Lightpaths | |
2008 | Šíma S., Altmannová L., Vojtěch J., Krsek M., Lokajíček M., Navrátil J., Novák V., Holub P., Lika M., árek M., Radil J. | LTTx: Lightpaths to the application From GOLEs to dispersed end users | GLIF meeting, October 2008, Seattle, USA | |
2008 | Vojtěch J., Radil J. | Transparent all optical switching devices in CESNET | The APAN 25th Meeting, Lambda Networking BoF | ppt |
2008 | Krsek M., Radil J., Vojtěch J., Holub P., Nejman J. | CineGrid Experience: The Need for a Fast File Transfer Protocol Environment | Seattle, 8th LambdaGrid Workshop, GLIF | |
2007 | Stanislav íma | Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks | The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop | ppt |
2007 | Stanislav Šíma Lada Altmannová, Peter Bogatencov, Jiří Burian, Bartlomiej Idzikowski, Baiba Kaskina, Eugene Khodosov, Oksana Kubichka, Ramaz Kvatadze, Urmas Lett, Mikhail Makhaniok, Anne Mardimae, Bruno Martuzans, Arthur Petrosyan, Valentin Pocotilenco, Milosz Przywecki, Jan Radil, Wojciech Sronek, Robert Tadevosyan, Raimundas Tuminauskas, Chrysostomos Tziouvaras, Gajane Valchevskaja, Josef Vojtěch | Economic analysis, dark fibre usage cost model and model of operations | Porta Optica Study - Deliverable D3.2v3, 24. 10. 2007 | |
2007 | Altmannová L. | Dark Fibres in European NRENs | Zvaná přednáka na The Quilt's 2007 Spring Meeting | ppt |
2007 | Šíma S. | Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks | Zvaná přednáka na The Quilt's 2007 Spring Meeting | |
2007 | Šíma S. | Improvements in Customer Empowered Fibre Networks | Praha, CEF networks workshop 2007 | ppt |
2007 | Radil J., Vojtěch J., Karásek M. | Innovative devices for dark fibre networks | Praha, CEF Networks Workshop 2007 | ppt |
2007 | Altmannová L. | Lit fibre service | Praha, CEF networks workshop 2007 | ppt |
2007 | Gruntorád J. | Optical Communications in the Czech Republic | 7. OnVector PhotonicWS San Diego 25. - 28.2.2007 | |
2007 | Šíma S., Radil J. | Research networking using programmable photonic devices | 1st NGN Workshop | |
2006 | Šíma S., Altmannová L. | Towards advanced CEF Networks lighting | CEF networks 2006 | ppt |
2006 | Šíma S. | Support of CEF Networks development in the Czech Republic | Seminář projektu SEEFIRE, Bukure, leden 2006 | |
2006 | árek M., Altmannová L. | Multidomain DWDM connection for medical applications | CEF Networks workshop 2006 | ppt |
2006 | Slavíček K., Houda A., Verich J., Záhořík V. | Multi-vendor and multi-service utilisation of first mile of Czech academic networks | CEF Networks Workshop 2006 | ppt |
2006 | Šíma S. | Experience with Cross Border Fibre connection in Europe and with advanced optical devices deployments | The Porta Optica workshop,Kiev, 11.10. 2006 | |
2006 | Šíma S. | East European Leapfrogging | Open Access 2006, KTH Stockholm, 12.-14.12.2006 | |
2006 | Slavíček K. | Dark Fiber in Cesnet Backbone | WSEAS Transactions on Communications, číslo: 9, 5, str.: 1783;1788, ISSN: 1109-2742 | |
2006 | Slavíček K. | Ethernet OAM in CESNET Backbone | 10th WSEAS International Conference on COMMUNICATIONS, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2006, str.: 286;290 , ISBN: 960-8457-47-5 | |
2005 | Satrapa P. | SEEFIRE - temná vlákna pro jihovýchodní Evropu | Lupa, číslo: 14. 4., 2005, str.: 1;1, ISSN: 1213-0702 | |
2005 | Slavíček K., Potuník F., Andr J., mrha P., Bič J. | CEF in metropolitan academic networks | CEF Networks 2005 | ppt |
2005 | Šíma S. | CEF network design | SEEFIRE technical meeting v Sofii | ppt |
2005 | Šíma S. | Cross Border CEF Networks | Fall 2005 Internet2 ITF meeting | |
2005 | Šíma S., Altmannová L. | Development of CEF networks design | CEF Networks workshop | ppt |
2005 | Altmanová L. | Fibre lease contracts | SEEFIRE technical meeting v Sofii | ppt |
2005 | Holub P., Radil J. | Akademické lambda sítě u nás a ve světě | Zpravodaj ÚVT MU, číslo: 3, 15, str.: 6;12, ISSN: 1212-0901 | |
2005 | Altmanova L., Radil J., Sima S., Vojtech J. | CzechLight testbed | APM meeting in Prague. February 24, 2005 | ppt |
2004 | Vojtěch J., Satrapa P. | Česká optická sí pro výzkum a vzdělávání | Professional Computing, číslo: 11, 5, str.: 43;45, ISSN: 1214-5335 | doc |
2004 | Vojtěch J. | CzechLight and PCLight | Praha, Klub ředitelů, CESNET z.s.p.o., 2.6.2004 Praha | ppt |
2004 | Šíma S., Altmanová L. | Procurement and lighting of dark fibre | Prezentace na CEF Networks workshop | ppt |
2004 | Altmannová L., Šíma S. | Towards a Nation-wide Fibre Footprint in Research and Education Networking | Rhodes, TNC 2004, TERENA, 9.6.2004, Rhodes | ppt |
2004 | Šíma S. | CEF Networks lightning: search for equipment | Presentation for Lucent meeting in Prague. November 23, 2004 | ppt |
2004 | Šíma S. | Introduction to technology testing | Goals of GN2-JRA4. Technology testing map, testbed preparation. GN2 JRA4 meeting in Paris. November 4, 2004 | ppt |
2004 | Šíma S. | CEF Networks lightning | NLR and GN2 comparison. Continent-wide Fibre Footprint (SANET, Pionier, AMREJ, CESNET, SWITCH). University of Essex meeting, Colchester UK. October 18, 2004 | ppt |
2004 | Radil J. | Experiments on optical layer and breakable research networks | CzechLight numerical simulations and practical results. TF-NGN meeting in Amsterdam. May 11, 2004 | ppt |