The recently proposed project TiFOON (EMPIR programm) successfully passed the evaluation and will start in June 2019. It is scheduled for 3 years. The consortium constituted group of NMIs (NPL, INRIM, OBSPARIS, PTB, RISE, VSL, METAS), NRENs (CESNET, PSNC), and research institutes (ISI, CNRS, AGH, POLITO, TUM), and one company (Muquans).
Fiber infrastructure is absolutely essential for most transfers of information over long distances. There are drawbacks to using fiber though, such as its susceptibility to damage during construction work and theft. The fibers themselves may be used as a distributed sensor or, when configured properly, they can still serve their primary purpose of data transmission. With the proper configuration, it is not necessary to reserve special fibers for sensing anomalies. The project aims to develop and evaluate methods for preventive protection of fibre infrastructure threatened by construction work and theft. The developed methods should detect in advance any construction works or movements in the neighbourhood of fiber paths while retaining the main functionality of wires—transmission of data.
Optical networks department of CESNET is leading Task 1 of activity JRA1 “Network infrastructure evolution and prototyping”. Task 1 “Evolving the shared optical infrastructure” aims to bring considerable cost savings to GEANT project by sharing his infrastructure with local NRENs. More specifically T1 will develop an infrastructure sharing methodology and explore contractual and legal conditions related to infrastructure sharing. T1 will also issue the infrastructure sharing per-production trials at selected infrastructure links. This innovation at optical layer is brought by adaption of novel concepts of Alien Waves and Spectrum Sharing that has been already demonstrated and adopted in CESNET backbone network.
Consolidated Connection Service
The CCS will simplify connection services concept for users, offering a single unified service model presented through a single, intuitive, user-services portal. CCS will cover services like BoD, GÉANT Plus, MD-VPN, EVPN, Geant Waves and similar. A corresponding API will be exposed for applications or other service agents to interact with CCS (indeed, the CCS GUI itself will use this API), and fully automated/federated service delivery and provisioning processes will be implemented.
“Integration with Other e-Infrastructures” (Task Leader: Garreth Malone – HEAnet)
The issue of JRA1 T3 are general/specific solutions for GÉANT network/organisation to be ready for customers´ latest needs and requirements for use of cloud services being offered by commercial providers (Cloud Service Providers - CSPs, e.g. Microsoft Azure).
Based on analysis and experience of GÉANT members/NRENs, the task is focused on model solutions (business, technology) enabling automation/ orchestration of essential procedures to realize individual appropriate networks reflecting current trends. The demand to utilize cloud services is rapidly growing, the GÉANT network users´ potential is huge and very attractive for CSPs. Focus on flexibility and optimization of GÉANT network, not only technological, yet also marketing solutions of complex services for users are assumed (one-stop-shop). Providers of cloud and similar e-infrastructures do not deal with necessary connectivity for realizing their offerings of on-line services. Such automatise solution of individual connectivity following exact user´s needs (e.g. university) is the main target of JRA1 T3.
The goal of Task 2 from Networking Activity 3 is to establish contacts and keep of relationships with individual research projects and infrastructures in pan-European space. The main goal is to optimally propose services from GĚANT portfolio to these users which match their requirements and based on sophisticated analysis and identification of their needs and principles of operation. NA3 usually uses home NREN as a primary communication platform for countries, where particular infrastructure has headquarter.
The project aims to increase the efficiency of NREN tendering procedures in the area of advanced optical devices by means of direct interaction with vendors. The main benefit of the project is the accessibility of new networking technologies for selected partners sooner than for the public or other market players. This is primarily achieved by precise definition of requirements for not only technologies, but also subsequently provided services.
Its goal is to bring results of previous scientific and applied research performed by participants to the market. It will implement a collection of optical and electronic elements enabling to operate a photonic service over wired or wireless communication links with high level of compensation of the transmission delay.
Its task was to build a pan-European XIFI infrastructure based on the IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) principle. It was the major experimental platform of FIWARE Lab to test outputs known as the Future Internet. Interconnection of nodes distributed across Europe was provided by the GÉANT R&E backbone.
The goal of the GN3 project was to develop next-generation European backbone infrastructure fulfilling the needs of scientists, researchers and educators. Main focus was given to ad hoc infrastructures (grids) built for the purposes of particular applications, to the user mobility in so cold European Research Area (ERA), and to support dedicated high-quality end-to-end interconnections.
Project supported development of dark-fibre based high-speed research and educational networks in countries of Eastern Europe, Baltic countries and Southers Caucasus. It mapped local situation, prepared case studies and disseminated the results in supported countries. CESNET participated in mapping of available optical infrastructure in supported countries and in making case studies.
SEEFIRE supported the development of research and educational networks in South-East Europe by the design and dissemination of suitable technology and organisation. The results were applied in many more areas—Baltic countries, Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, Mediterranean area and South-East Africa. We participated mainly in the fieald of optical technology and dark fibre equipment.
CESNET, z. s. p. o.
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16000 Prague 6
Tel: +420 234 680 222
Fax: +420 224 320 269
Tel: +420 234 680 222
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Fax: +420 224 313 211